I Hate Oligarchs, my ass
***The short essay below was a status post on Facebook, but I feel strongly enough to put it up here. I stand by every word I write below, too.***
If you want to dismantle the oligarchy, then fill in the gaps in government service that provide the oligarchs with the power they wield when THEY fill in the gaps in government service.
Do not privatize government corporations, especially those that provide utilities like power, water and telecommunications, or open the playing field in these areas to other organizations so there is healthy private sector competition in these fields that will make it possible for EVERY Filipino to have the utilities they need at prices they can afford, and with excellent service.
Raise wages, by fiat of legislation, to wages the people can actually live on, buy homes with, and build savings from. Stop the abuse of contractual labor, which is what we call “endo.”
Improve the public education system and curriculum to ensure that students learn critical thinking, initiative, leadership and solid skill sets that will enable them to thrive in the world.
Invest in the people by providing them with comprehensive health care, affordable housing, better and solidly reliable mass transportation so they can actually have a work-life balance.
End poverty, both material poverty and the mentality of poverty. Give the people their dignity instead of trampling on it. Respect your constituents and SERVE them well, and daily.
Uphold EVERY Filipino’s human rights, and every single human right that is theirs from birth. Without fear or favor.
You want to end the oligarchs? Then make it possible for all Filipinos to get rich and live productive lives. Make it possible for Filipinos to dream, and live their dreams.
But, if you do this, you also will plant the seeds that will end the political dynasties and maleficent politics that so imbue the systems of government, won’t you?
And you won’t do that so long as your family business involves corruption at every level of life here in the Philippines.
You want to end oligarchy? End the corruption in your systems. End your own family business. End your padrino system. Manage and limit your own damn greed.
Unless you do that, I will not accept your dislike of the oligarchy as anything more than political doublespeak designed to give you and your cronies wealth, impunity and power to the detriment of every Filipino who is not among those who breathe your rarefied but putrid air.