How old do you feel?
Too old to take life lightly
As the sky would take clouds.
Not old enough for death,
Or to not care whether I live or die.
I sometimes still find
The lost wonder of
My toddler years when
Everything was bigger than me,
And gorgeously unfamiliar,
Without the need to explore
Or put everything in my mouth
To examine taste and texture
Up close.
Too old to think my havens
Are foolproof.
Too young to need
A geriatric walker
For safe travels to
The nearest bathroom.
I feel like I should
Between wise and foolish,
Between mature and silly,
Between the salt and pepper
In my hair. But that’s
Probably just the music
Making me cranky as a
Teenager denied sleep.
How old do I feel?
Now, when did what I feel
Become an option
For chronology?
I need my coffee.
That’s show old I feel,
Old enough to need
Coffee on waking,
And beer when
People ask me
Stupid things.