Fly by Night and Other Kilig

Got a story out in a new anthology under the #MitolohiyaPH series of 8Letters, the very productive Philippines-based publisher that also carries my erotic novel of urban myth and lore, “How to Tame Your Tikbalang Without Even Trying.”
To say I am thrilled is an understatement. I am basking in the good karma I must have accrued as a literary editor, in my former life working for a newsweekly magazine.
Here’s the best part of the thrill I am currently enjoying: The title of the anthology was taken from the title of my short story that appears in the book. Oh, yes, yay me!
But, wait, that isn’t all: My bestie has a story in this anthology, and she had asked me to beta-read and proof-read it before she sent it in to 8Letters with her fingers and toes crossed. Welp, crossing your digits works, apparently. Or maybe it was the damned good story and the professional cleanup job… Who knows? It could have been all of the above.
Yeah, my squeal of joy over the cover reveal must have been audible cities away from my location. If you heard it, yup, that was me channeling Balky Bartokomous of that 1980s sitcom Perfect Strangers and doing the dance of joy.
If you would like to get a copy of the anthology’s gorgeous hardcover edition, which I highly recommend, you can get yours here: