Easter Eve
Before dawn breaks
Christ will rise
From cruxifiction to glory:
Anticipated with joy
On Sabado de Gloria,
The Black Saturday
Where night cracks open steadily
Until heaven’s light breaks through.
It is the reincarnation
Of that old hope of
Renewal, rebirth,
The eggshell cracking
To let out the sunny,
Downy new chick
Still wet with birth,
Still shaky on its little legs,
But alive and full of potential.
Faith’s rewards come
Even before daybreak:
That we have another day,
New life, fresh opportunities
To save ourselves.
Between the dark of now
And the light of then,
My hands hold those who have
Passed heaven’s gates.
My heart fills with hope
That I will see them again
In their glory,
Saved by their faith.
Love holds us,
Sustains our little faith.
This bud blooms in my chest
That I have another day’s work
Within which to save my own soul,
So I can be with them
In my own glory
On that blessed Ostara morning
That is the Gathering
When we are as one.
Now I embrace
The beloved living
As much as I anticipate
Holding my beloved departed.
I hold all my loves close
And banish my mourning,
If only for a day.
Life and death overlap
And it is this bright,
Unending shimmer of joy.